... p?t=112895Misasi' see on ?
See sammadecompon asi seal akvaariumis. Saan aru, et see mõõdab CO2 taset akvaariumis? Kuid mis vedelik seal sees siis käib?
This shows just about everything used, except for the tube of silicone, baking soda, and the cutting tools. I made a batch of 4* test solution with a gallon jug of distilled water. I put the rest of the solution in another normal size glass jar, I hope it will keep some time because its a PITA to make. I use a graduated syringe and put 20ml of solution in the drop checker. Probably would look a little better with some more fluid, maybe like half full. That would probably be ~30ml or so I would guess.
....söögisooda, destilleeritud vesi....tiba raskeks läheb mul sellest aru saamine (puudulik keeleoskus). Pmst. nagu ma aru saan, siis see vedelik segatakse mingitest ainetest kokku, pannakse sinna purki ning selle värvuse muutumine näitab kas siis liiga madalat (sinine) või parajat (roheline) CO2 taset akvaariumis?
Yeah it measures CO2 for planted tanks. Basically blue = to little co2, green is just right. Its basically using the pH/KH/CO2 relation except with a solution of distilled water at a set KH. A KH of 4* in the drop checker will turn green around 30ppm.
*kodanik tuhlab mööda netti, et saada ideid uue akva sisustamiseks.
3 Guraamit, 1 ants,2.10.07,4 pärlskalaari 14.10. 07 15.10.07 ants Tinna,08.07.08 Hoplosternum thoracatum Algus 29. 07. 07. 250L AZOO CF-1200,CO2; 4x 30w 21. 09. 08 500L +õhupump13.10.08