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http://www.theplantedtank.co.uk/calculator.htmSeal kõige all on kogused küllastunud segu tegemiseks
Suur tänu lingi eest (googeldasin küll, aga ei leidnud).
Solubility's In Water
There are limits on how much of a salt can be dissolved in water. As this limit is reached it becomes increasingly difficult to dissolve more. If you are experiencing difficulties in dissolving any of the salts then try doubling the amount of water it is dissolved in. Below are the maximum solubility's of the various chemicals used in the calculator.
Potassium Nitrate 36g per 100ml
Potassium Phosphate 22g per 100ml
Potassium Sulphate 11.1g per 100ml
Magnesium Sulphate heptahydrate 25.5g per 100ml
Calcium Sulphate dihydrate 0.24g per 100ml
Calcium Chloride anhydrous 74g per 100ml
Nüüd teada, palju lahustus umbes-täpselt 100ml ja ülejäänud arvutused juba hulga lihtsamad.