Davaika, selline asi ka veel:
Ma panin nad eraldi akvaariumisse koos koorega(25 l)
Nad ei tule koore alt ära, passivad seal kobaras, viskasin mõne tableti kaa aga sööma ei tule keegi.
Ma ise arvasin , et nad toituvad präegalt nendest kollastest kotikestest mis nende kõhuall on.
Hakkasin uurima ja oletatav leidis kinnitust(Vist)
Recommended water conditions: 5-10° dGH, 6.5-7.0 pH
A. cirrhosis lays eggs in clusters in the hollows or roots. The fish in the top picture (above) is a male who is spawning with a female in the woodwork. The male will them guard the eggs and fans them to keep them aerated. The fry will hatch after about 5 days and will attach themselves to flat surfaces like the sides of the aquarium. They have a yolk sac which is consumed after another 14 days or so at which time you can feed them pulverized green flake food or other baby food.
A. hoplygenys is similar to A. cirrhosis except it has not happened as frequently and is therefore considered harder to accomplish.
Kokkuvõttes tuleb neid vist toitma hakata alles peale 14 päeva vms, kui need kotikesed on kadunud?
Kas on ikka nii või?