Spawning begins with the building of the bubble nest by the male, which usually occurs early in the day. After a suitable nest has been prepared, the male will attempt to entice the female under it by swimming back and forth, flaring his fins and raising his tail.
The female signals her readiness by biting his back; he responds by repeatedly brushing his back against her belly before taking her into a spawning embrace.During spawning the male wraps his body tightly around the female, turning her on her side or back so the eggs will rise unimpeded to the surface. This close embrace is also important because it brings the reproductive products as close together as possible. Because sperm cells survive only a matter of minutes in the water, the timing of their release and proximity to the eggs is critical.
Just before the sperm are released, the pair may be observed quivering - a sure sign that spawning is near completion. The eggs are released immediately thereafter, and are fertilized by the time they reach the bubble nest.
The pair may repeat the process a number of times over the course of several hours. It is not unusual for the number of eggs produced to reach into the thousands.Once spawning is complete, the
female\'s involvement is over, and she should be removed to prevent her from being attacked by the male. From this point forward until they hatch, the male will tend the eggs, carefully rearranging them and returning any errant eggs back to the nest. Spitting streams of water is an interesting phenomenon often seen at this time in breeding males. It is believed the purpose of this behavior is to keep the eggs positioned within the bubble nest.
The eggs hatch in approximately 30 hours.
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3 Guraamit, 1 ants,2.10.07,4 pärlskalaari 14.10. 07 15.10.07 ants Tinna,08.07.08 Hoplosternum thoracatum Algus 29. 07. 07. 250L AZOO CF-1200,CO2; 4x 30w 21. 09. 08 500L +õhupump13.10.08