Teo eraldumist kojast on seostatud lihase vigastusega, millega tigu koja külge füüsiliselt kinnitub.
Health Problems & Solutions – Donya Quick:
Torn Columellar Muscle
Often associated with mantle collapse, this condition is
100% fatal. The columellar muscle is responsible for holding
the snail into its shell and retracting the body to close the
operculum. When the muscle is torn, the snail has no way to
hold itself into its shell and so it eventually falls out.
Sometimes this can result in a snail walking around “shellless,”
but it will not survive that way. Death will come
eventually from either edema or suffocation due to a collapsed
lung. Because death is inevitable and can be drawn out for up
to a week, some owners may prefer to euthanize a snail that has
lost its shell from a torn columellar muscle
http://pantheon.yale.edu/~dvq2/snails/health.pdfTeo kojasse jäävat keha osa katab kotitaoline struktuur mida nimetatakse mantliks. Mantli paljastumist kokkulangemise tõttu (inglise k. mantle collapse) juhtub samuti ja ka see haiguslik seisund lõppeb väidetavalt 100% teo surmaga. Vt:
http://www.applesnail.net/content/various/snail_disease.phpKahjuks mõlemal juhul olukorra põhjuse kohta andmeid pole leidnud. On viidatud füüsilistele vigastustele ja vanusega seotud probleemidele.