Gupide haigustest näiteks siin, kui inglise keelest aru saad: Bladder Disorders
Symptoms: Unnatural, uncontrolled swimming or floating on an angle. Guppies are not prone to this problem, however it does occur, usually after a stress-related experience. It is difficult to determine the cause for this , but it seems that moving a fish from shallow water to deep water can trigger it, and poor water quality can cause it as well.
Halb vee kvaliteet? Stress? Lapsed käivad koputamas kalakestele pidevalt?
Swim Bladder Inflammation ("Head-Standing")
This is caused by a virus, which is highly infectious. The fish stops eating and cysts are formed at the rear of the abdomen. This distends the body and the fish appears to be standing on it’s head. The body degenerates and chance of recovery is low. The fish should be removed immediately and destroyed.