Sellest on ju kilomeetreid artikleid netis... Kui inglise keelt oskad muidugi
Üks näide:
The species grows to 12 cm (even more in an aquarium) and is regarded among the most aggressive mbunas. It should be housed with species of equal or bigger size and of the same temperament. Keeping more than one male in a tank is almost impossible in tanks smaller than 150 cm (450 liters). Even then, all other males will be probably killed by the dominant one. Despite the presence of two females, my dominant female killed the submissive one in less than a month. Females are also territorial and intolerant of their own species and are extremely aggressive when carrying eggs. It is not unusual for a male M. auratus to kill one or more of the females. This is especially true in small tanks so I recommend you take the minimum tank size seriously into account if you plan to keep this fish.
Teine artikkel kirjutab, et 200L kast on miinimum ja ühele isasele peab olema vähemalt kolm, soovitavalt 5 emast
Teine isane kastis pidavat ikka ilmvõimatu olema. Igal pool mainitud, et PALJU peidukohti peab olema kivide/urgude näol.